

  Photo: Jetola Anderson-Blair of Houston Texas ; winner of  The Marcia Sinclair Memorial Award.  New York/October 29, 2020/CMMInc… The Awards Ceremony to announce the winners of the recently held […]


We thank all our participants for supporting our Inaugural Event!


Participants have approximately two weeks from October 9-24, 2020 to complete their run or walk and upload their time using the Strava APP which can be downloaded from the Apple or Google Play Store. Two lucky runners will be awarded automatic entry to the Reggae Marathon which will be held virtually this year. There will also be ten prizes, awarded to five males and five females. The announcement of these prizes will take place on Sunday October 25, 2020 at 12 noon and will be streamed live on, on TJB’s Facebook Page and its other Social Media Platforms.

Pandemic Costs Team Jamaica Bickle $22m

From left: Team Jamaica Bickle (TJB) President Irwine Clare, Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association Second Vice-President Vilma Charlton, Jamaica Olympic Association First Vice-President Nelson Stokes, and Olympians Association of Jamaica’s (OAJ) […]

TJB Signs MOU with Olympians Association of Jamaica

Irwine Clare (left), founder and CEO of Team Jamaica Bickle, and Marvin Anderson, president of the Olympians Association of Jamaica, show off the documents after signing a memorandum of understanding […]

Hubert Lawrence |Gibson McCook Relay Magic

Jamaica Gleaner Last year, Kimar Farquharson was the shining high school star of the 41st Gibson McCook Relays. His stunning 4×800-metre anchor leg time-warped Calabar High School into the record […]